Christmas time is probably one of the best times to introduce fire prevention and safety to your little ones and it's never too early to set in place some tried and true lessons on it. With holiday decor and dry Christmas trees, family dinners and get-togethers, and mood settings with our favorite holiday inspired candles, this season is the deadliest time of year for home fires.
It's important that as parents and home-owners we all pay attention to our individual state laws and regulations on fire safety and some easy household practices.
*Keep fresh batteries in all smoke detectors and make sure they work.
*Store fire extinguishers in easily accessible areas and make sure everyone knows how it works.
*Keep exits clear and clutter free.
*Do not overload electrical outlets.
*Never leave lit candles unattended.
*Turn all pot/pan handles inward while on the stove or hot.
I am happy to host this giveaway for a Fire Safety Kit to one of you to help you in teaching your little ones about fire safety sponsored by Kiddie's Intelligent Alarm. The kit includes a fire extinguisher rated #1 by leading consumer magazines. I've tried the extinguisher at a recent Home Depot exhibit and I have to day it works fast and sweeps easily and fully so in a kitchen, garage, or classroom this will be a great tool to have. Also in this kit you will receive Kiddie Intelligent Alarm which uses leading technology to offer a faster response if ever a fire breaks out. The winning feature for me and anyone living in a fairly large building is the Intelligent Alarm Voice Warning that clear announces when danger is near, either fire or carbon monoxide, the silent killer by announcing "Fire! Fire!" or "Warning! Carbon Monoxide!" without being annoying.
Both typically would cost $80 at Home Depot and I'd be more than happy to send this out to one of you. Get your family started and educated on fire safety practices. All you have to do is comment on what practices you have in place in your own home to prevent or react in the case of a fire. A winner will be announced, Friday, December 17, 2010.

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